
Are you safe?

For many sessions we’ll play with under SSC guidance (safe, sane, consensual), others, like hypnosis, we’re more likely to play under RACK guidance (risk aware, consensual kink) and for findom based sessions it’s usually PRICK (personal responsibility, informed, consensual kinkunless I get the impression you’re out of control of yourself. A lot of sessions start from a place of trust and I don’t think it’s right to go outside of the play space unless I think you’re a danger to yourself or others.
I think kink should be about pleasure, whether that’s from pain, reward, whatever; I’m not going to take what I know, what we’ve done, into any other part of your world – and I expect the same approach from submissives.

Do I have to tribute to play?

The fact that I enjoy my kink(s) so deeply does not change the fact that you’re absolutely required to tribute to make me want to play with your mind over any others I’m offered. If you want my control you have to do more than simply beg for it.
In addition, investing something completely tangible in me and our play makes it incredibly easy to slip into a trance with me. Buy-in is important.
To send a tribute, use a method listed on the Pay Me page.

I saw you talking about wanting a FLR, can I be your partner?

It’s highly, highly unlikely.


Can everyone be hypnotised?

Technically yes, as we go into trance all the time, however actual guided hypnosis is not recommended for people with epilepsy or psychosis. Even if your episodes or fits are rare your safety needs to come first. As much as you may want to be hypnotised, I’m quite confident the risks outweigh the benefits.

I’ve never been able to go into trance before, why are you different?

Besides being a qualified professional, I’m experienced on both sides of trance, and of D/s relationships. While I am very much now just a hypno domme, having those experiences has given me invaluable knowledge when it comes to helping someone settle into trance.
Some people need a little longer for triggers to embed and that is normal but there’s no reason you won’t be able to go into trance.

Will you tell me when I’m in trance?

Yes. Consent is a big part of all play.
However, I am a big fan of dropping good boys into trance whenever I feel like it if we have a relationship where we’ve agreed this is OK.
It’s absolutely possible to stop a trance at any time though, however some of my delicious boys would struggle to tell you how to go about that.

Is everything you do real?

Some things are fantasy but some are incredibly real. Play with a hypno domme can be life changing, but it is also a kink and so, same as many other kinks, will sometimes straddle the fantasy line.
The key difference is about the relationship we have.
Anything that looks problematic is likely to be fantasy only or with a consenting party. Contact me directly with any concerns at RosieHenderson1@protonmail.com.

Real Time

Do you do real time sessions?

Occasionally I do, though this is predominantly with long-term subs. If we’ve never, or barely, interacted and you’re looking for real time femdom sessions (or any kind of session) then I’d suggest looking elsewhere. My free time is incredibly limited and real time sessions take a lot of time and energy outside of your time slot.

Is there any way to meet you in person?

Cash meets are possible, although they require a deposit in almost all scenarios.

Can I approach you if I see you in public?

No, especially if I’m with someone. I am not a hypno domme or financial dominatrix in every scenario our paths may cross. However, if I’ve publicly posted that I am in a certain place and have explicitly said it’s fine to come and give me an impromptu tribute, then yes, you can approach me.

Do you ever do public sessions?

I don’t do anything that others might see and feel uncomfortable with as a rule of thumb. I’ve spoken about and am a fan of public hypnosis though, as tuning coffee shop sounds into white noise for trance is really fun.